Kanko-dori ga Naku

Dec 18, 2016 17:32
Today I will talk about the idiom "kanko-dori ga naku."

"Kanko-dori" means "cuckoo", "naku" means "to sing", and this idiom describes that there are no customers in shops or shops are lonesome.

(By the way, the kanji meanings of "kan" is "spare time", "ko" is "old" and "dori" is "bird".)

Usage example: A cuckoo (kanko-dori) is always singing in your shop.
(Your shop has hardly any customers.)

Cuckoos usually sing in quiet mountains or forests.

Our ancestors felt that the song of cuckoos is "lonely" and "sad", then such an idiom was made.

There are many other idioms that are derived from what our ancestors felt in nature.






No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • There are many other idioms that are derived from what our ancestors felt in nature.
  • There are many other idioms that are based on Nature and natural phenomena.
Interesting! To be honest, I had never heard a cuckoo in all my life.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post! :)
That's interesting. Actually, カッコウ (cuckoo) is a very popular bird in Japan.
You're welcome!^_^
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • Today I will talk about the idiom "kanko-dori ga naku."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Kanko-dori" means "cuckoo", "naku" means "to sing", and this idiom describes that there are no customers in shops or shops are lonesome.
  • "Kanko-dori" means "cuckoo", "naku" means "to sing", and this idiom describes that a customer in a shop is never lonesome.
  • (By the way, the kanji meanings of "kan" is "spare time", "ko" is "old" and "dori" is "bird".)
  • (By the way, the kanji meaning of "kan" is "spare time", "ko" is "old" and "dori" is "bird".)
  • Usage example: A cuckoo (kanko-dori) is always singing in your shop.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (Your shop has hardly any customers.)
  • (Your shop has hardly any customer.)
  • Cuckoos usually sing in quiet mountains or forests.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Our ancestors felt that the song of cuckoos is "lonely" and "sad", then such an idiom was made.
  • The origin of this idiom probably comes from the fact that our ancestors felt that the song of cuckoos is "lonely" and "sad".
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
No. 3 スイちゃん's correction
コメントありがとう、スイちゃん :)